How far along? Well i'm 24 weeks today, but so much has been going on that I missed my 22 and 23 week posts. BLAHH...moving (and not moving), and caring for an infant and her unborn sibling REALLY take up a lot of time. So sorry to her sister, who will probably be deeply offended that some of her posts are missing ;) Mom tried....really, I did.
If you'd like to go back to when I had OODLES of time, and read about my 22nd week with Elsie, click right here! 23rd week? right here! and lets just add the 24th week for good measure! You can find it HERE! Uff da!
Maternity clothes: Still on the same routine as far as that goes.
Stretch marks? Nada. My belly is still pretty small. Some days it still barely looks like i'm even pregnant, which is actually sort of a bummer to me. (Sometimes lol) I had a doctor's appointment last week and I've only gained about 3 lbs so far. They aren't very concerned, especially considering I only gained about 15-17 lbs with Elsie and she was an almost 8 lb baby. Also considering the baby is right on track with growth, she's actually measuring AHEAD. I'm definitely not restricting myself as far as my diet goes, so it's a mystery to me why i'm not gaining weight. They are going to start monitoring my weight gain a little closer from here on out.
Sleep: No problem!
Best moment this week: Week? Don't you mean closer to MONTH? gulp. Let's see..I guess getting the official word from my ultrasound that she's a perfect little healthy babe! That's always such a weight off my mind. So grateful and blessed to have another healthy baby a'brewin. Also we've had a couple field trips as a family now that the days are getting warmer. LOVING that.
Miss anything?: Meh, i'm good.
Movement: Yep! She's a little wiggle worm! But she doesn't seem to wake me up at all through the night. (fingers crossed that will remain the case AFTER she's born! hehe)
Food cravings: Lots of ice cream has been on my mind lately. Also I had a DEEP craving for brownies/cake with chocolate frosting. I got all the supplies, but my dear husband had already packed up our pans. I still haven't had that brownie. Tragic.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing!! Funny story though, literally within hours of me saying that on my last post, I threw up. So i'll tread lightly on that one.
Gender: Chickadee
Labor signs: Nope, lots of braxton hicks though!!
Symptoms: Indigestion like a mofo!! braxton hicks, general achiness especially my hips
Belly button in or out? Still rockin and rolling.
Happy or moody most of the time? Meh, the process of buying a home is for the birds. It's had me down lately. Also packing is legit my most hated thing. Literally #1. So annoying.
Just jumped back on the Blog train!! I forgot how much I loved to read your updates!! Glad all is well and good luck of course! Praying for a happy move!!