Thursday, May 21, 2015

26/27 weeks!

How far along? I am 27 weeks!! UNREAL! One more week left of the 2nd trimester!

Elsie's 26 weeks update can be found here!! 
27 week can be found HERE!

Maternity clothes: Mainly just maternity bottoms, not so much shirts as regularly! 

Stretch marks? Nothin! 

Sleep: Sleeping pretty well other than my weird freakin' dreams!!! I had a dream last night that it was standard procedure for babies to get their feet removed! It was so freaky! 

Best moment this week: Well I passed my glucose test so that was good! And had my first Mother's day! I got a super sweet necklace from Josh! Other than that, the weather has been kinda icky, so there hasn't been much opportunity to do a whole lot. 

Miss anything?: Nope! 

Movement:  Oh yeah!! Intense!  

Food cravings: Random things. Meat, ice cream, salad. All mixed together in a bowl....haha ew jk.  

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Feelin' like a champ!!   

Gender: Lady bird

Labor signs: Nope! Braxton hicks though! 

Symptoms: Indigestion, feeling pretty tired lately too  

Belly button in or out? It's kinda just level with my stomach at this point lol.

Happy or moody most of the time? unpacking is more or less complete, we're getting all settled in and I am SOOO happy! We're cozy and are loving our new space!  

Looking forward to: My birthday I

Saturday, May 9, 2015

25 weeks in a NEW PLACE!

How far along? 25 weeks!! I seriously can't believe how fast it's going!!! If ever I needed a pregnancy to go a liiiiittle bit Also, you'll notice we have a new backdrop for our bumpdates! Sad!!

Elsie's 25 weeks update can be found Here!  

Maternity clothes: Nothing much has changed on that front. 

Stretch marks? Nope!

Sleep: Even with transitioning into a whole new environment, it hasn't really affected my sleep at all. Other than my random "night terrors" where I'll wake up yelling for Josh and scaring the bejesus out of him. Poor 

Best moment this week: Well we OFFICIALLY closed on our home and moved!! We are getting nice and settled in now. Still so crazy that we are homeowners!! We love it so far, and Elsie seems to like her new house, too! 

Miss anything?: I've been good! 

Movement:  Oh man she's getting STRONG!!! 

Food cravings: Nothing really actually!  

Anything making you queasy or sick?  I've been SO good! It's awesome  

Gender: Baby GRRRRRL

Labor signs: Nope!

Symptoms: This indigestion is pain, just a gross constant full, burpy feeling. Especially at night, it seems like it takes all night long to digest my food.  

Belly button in or out? It's teetering on the edge lol

Happy or moody most of the time? Now that i'm done with moving I am SOOOO HAPPY!!! 

Looking forward to: Gettin on the lake!! Now that i'm so close!! Oh and I guess my first Mother's Day!  :)