Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Reception fun!

This Blog has turned into more of a wedding blog..at least for the time being. Mostly because that's all that's on my mind these days. anyways.Wellllll....Joshua and I went to tour a potential reception venue in St Paul. It's like 3 miles from our church and we really really loved it!! It's got so much character, so much class and very vintage. And that's really what I had in my mind even from the beginning. And not to mention it's affordable!! We are in discussions with the lady. Our date is open, and she has penciled us in for the date, so we'd just have to give our deposit! We're thinking this may be it people!! Josh got all giddy and happy while we were touring it...I think he kinda likes it a little bit ;) Queue the pictures..... Let me know what you think!! 
Stage area and dance floor

Just a view from some of the seating looking toward the main bar area

The 2nd bar area, more the wine/coffee bar

The fully stocked booze bar

Looking from the dance floor area toward the other bar room

View from the patio area
The white tables are where the food is served
Another pic of the patio area..very cute!

A bunch of cute built ins all over the place

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Yippeeeee! Gettin somewhere!

I talked to the wedding coordinator this morning and we are officially scheduled for MAY 18th, 2012!! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm singin the wedding day blues....

Josh and I have started getting down to it and making set plans for our big day. We have decided on May 2012, we are scheduled at the church for May 4th, But we may try to see if we can switch it to May 18th due to some "technical issues" within the family. But we'll see with all that. It's just getting to be such a headache. It is honestly no surprise to me that so many people choose to just elope. If that were an acceptable option within my family, I think at this point,I would definitely be leaning towards that route.
I mean, I always knew that weddings were expensive, but it was not until I started getting down to the intimate details of it all that I realized the sheer ridiculousness of the "wedding world." Things are so expensive!
I find it sad and almost troubling that the celebration of love and the decision to spend the rest of your life with someone turns into spending thousands of dollars on a show. Unfortunately, in all actuality, that's all a wedding has become. A show for your friends, family, and loved ones. A show that costs a ridiculous amount of money. 
It makes me sort of angry what the wedding industry has ultimately turned weddings into. Weddings now stand as a representation of a couple's wealth, rather than the representation of their undying commitment to one another. After all, this whole thing is about US. We are in love with each other, not our guests. Why is it so necessary spend all this money on the fluff?

I am literally trying to explore whatever options I can to make this wedding budget-friendly, and could use ALL the help I could possibly get. PLEASE?

Siiiiigh.....I am really hoping that within the next 4 months a money tree grows in my backyard. Or I work up the courage to rob a Bank.