Sunday, October 18, 2015

Stella's birth story

Stella Dorothy Kaup
6lbs 15 oz, 19 inches

My sweet little Stella is already 2 months old, and i'm JUST getting around to documenting her birth story. I guess that's to be expected with a newborn and a just barely toddler. I just hope I remember everything well enough. SO here we go!

I had a doctor's appointment at 11 am on August 5th. It was just business as usual except I was dilated to almost 4 CENTIMETERS and about 70% effaced. I was SHOCKED. My doctor asked me if I wanted my membranes stripped. It basically will only work if your body is ready. I decided to just go with it, because even though I was TERRIFIED to have her, I was also really excited to meet her. So I went back home and just went about my day with Elsie. I felt a little crampy, but I had been feeling that way for days already so it was nothing new. I put Els down for her afternoon nap and decided to lay down myself. Josh got home from work and we woke up. Josh asked how I was feeling and it seemed like as soon as he did, I started feeling some pretty regular contractions. I couldn't tell if it was all in my head, or if it was the real deal. Josh convinced me to start timing them and they were about 7 minutes apart. I was still sort of in denial because I did NOT expect things to happen that fast. About 20 more minutes of regular contractions and I decided I should call the nurse line and see what they thought I should do. They weren't very helpful, basically just told me that if I felt like I should come in, then I could. OKAY? Aren't you supposed to TELL me what to do. Don't give an indecisive woman OPTIONS lol. So anyways, after much consideration I decided I should probably head in. I drove myself to the hospital because Josh was going to wait at home with Elsie until his mom and sister got there. We wanted to Elsie to be able to stay at home so she didn't have TOO much going on at once. 
This was me driving to the hospital...basically freaking out. 
So I got to the hospital and get everything situated and got into my hospital gown and the nurse checked me. I was dilated to a 5 and 90% effaced so they admitted me! I was going to have this baby TODAY!! Such a surreal feeling! It was kinda scary being at the hospital by myself, but we only live about 15 min from the hospital so I knew Josh would be there soon. 

My last belly shots!! So crazy to think that she would soon be OUTSIDE of the belly. There is just no feeling like that anticipation. It's so exciting! 

So, I got all settled and Josh got there. The contractions were getting really strong and really regular. The nurse told me that the anesthesiologist isn't in house, and is about 30 min away. So I would need to plan my need for an epidural around that. Well shortly after that, we got word that he was going to be coming through the area and we decided that there was no point in NOT having him administer the epidural while he was there. (duh) So we started my IV fluids and waited for the main of the hour to show up! He got there and everything went very smoothly and I was feeling like a million bucks in no time. Cause those contractions were getting STRONG. In reality though, I only had to endure about an hour or 2 of actual labor so it was a cake walk. So, after that is all said and done I was bed ridden. For some reason this time the epidural made me very anxious. My heart rate would randomly shoot up, and I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest and like I couldn't breath very well. It was NOT a good feeling. And I really felt panicked about not being able to move my legs for some reason. I don't know, obviously I enjoyed not feeling any labor pain, but it was not as enjoyable as I remember it being with Elsie. So after that, It was basically just a waiting game. I was progressing nicely, but my water hadn't broken yet so it was going AS fast as it could. And my doctor was not there, so she couldn't break it and the nurses aren't allowed to do so. At this point it was probably about 10pm or so. Another overnight labor, which is NOT fun. You can't sleep a bit, and your sleep from then on is just totally screwed up. So fast forward a few hours and it's about 3am and I am STARVING to death. I mean like stomach growling and everything. I was tired, hungry and miserable! It was so bizarre cause I remember when I first laid down, my belly was big and round and sticking up, so as I was laying down I reached down to rub my belly once more and I felt it and it was like oblong and felt much flatter. I was SO scared, I thought she was probably coming out and I couldn't feel it. Well my doctor finally got there and she checked and my water bag was bulging OUT. She was all startled because she thought it was the babies head! So I started feeling all extra nervous, for some reason the moments just before pushing are the most nerve-wracking for me. I mean, it all just becomes so REAL-you are about to meet this little person that has been growing in your belly! It's the most amazing anticipation in the world, truly nothing like it! So we got everything all situated and the time to push came! AH! I kept saying over and over "I'm scared! I'm SCARED!" So a contraction came and I started pushing. 2 pushes and 1 full contraction and this little one was OUT! It was unbelievable. She was absolutely beautiful, and just perfect as can be. 6 lbs 15oz and 19 inches long. She took to nursing right away and we just laid there for an hour or so nursing and loving each other. There's just nothing like those first moments, you're just on cloud 9 filled with so much emotion and adrenaline. We love her SO much and we can't imagine our lives without her now, She's perfect!!