Sunday, April 6, 2014

18 weeks!!

How far along? 18 weeks! We'll have this baby in our arms before we know it!  

Maternity clothes: We went to a community garage sale this weekend and I got a whole BUNCH of adorable maternity jeans from this lady there. Skinny jeans and capris. In other words maternity jeans that don't LOOK like maternity jeans which is exactly what I want. And the best part? $2 a pair! YES PLEASE! 

Stretch marks? Still doing okay! I'm not very good at regularly applying that stretch oil everyday, i'm sure i'll be kicking myself someday because of it. 

Sleep: Other than struggling pretty horribly from congestion from this cold still, i'm sleeping really well! 

Best moment this week: I had an amazing week! Finding out our baby no longer has to be considered "It" but a SHE was pretty dang surreal. We had fun narrowing down name choices! I had my first midwife appointment on Wednesday and that went really well, I think i'm really going to like them. And then this weekend I went to a big community garage sale for maternity/baby/kids stuff with my awesome sisters and niece. I seriously had the best time finding all kinds of adorable treasures for our little chickadee. She's so loved and blessed already. Check out our insane haul! We didn't spend more than $60 for ALL of it, and there's even things missing from the picture! To say we did good is an understatement. (Now we just have to hope there wasn't little boy parts hiding under that stinkin cord!)

Miss anything?: Nothing at the moment!

Movement: Noo. I just found out I have an Anterior placenta, basically meaning it's on the front. So all her little kicks and jabs are being cushioned from me feeling them, and probably will be for awhile. I'm looking forward to it, but I can be patient in that sense. She'll be giving me hell soon enough haha. The only thing I have noticed more lately is just the heaviness of having her in there. Mostly when i'm laying on my side or something. So bizarre. 

Food cravings: The only thing I really crave regularly is fruit! Which i'm THANKFUL for! At least it's not donuts or candy or something that's going to make me gain 50 lbs.  

Anything making you queasy or sick? The only time I feel queasy now is when I have a bad headache. Which does happen still occasionally. My midwife told me that I AM allowed to take the things that helped me pre pregnancy. (excedrin, ibuprofen, etc) My baby will NOT spontaneously combust if I use something besides Tylenol. Moderation is key obviously, and as long as I'm not using them through my 3rd tri up to the day I deliver it will be FINE. That was a relief because at least I know I can maybe start to get a handle on these damn things. 

Gender: GIRL!! Hoping they will be able to absolutely without a doubt confirm that at our official anatomy scan, which is NOW April 14! 

Labor signs: Nope 

Symptoms: headaches STILL, and really wicked round ligament pain which has been extra prominent with all the sneezing and coughing i've been doing lately. yeeeouch!   

Belly button in or out? Still in

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time? HAPPY!!!  

Looking forward to: our LAST (for now anyways) hospital ultrasound on April 14th! (Unless we decide to do one of the crazy 4D ones...which let's face it we probably will) 

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