Saturday, February 28, 2015

15 weeks with baby #2

How far along? 15 weeks! 
If you'd like to read about my 15th week with Elsie, you can find it here

Maternity clothes: Still the same ol routine, luckily my work wardrobe consists of yoga pants and sweatshirts ;) Can't wait until the dress code changes to sun dresses and swimsuits!!! I don't feel like i'm showing as fast as I assumed I would this time around! 

Stretch marks?  None to report!  

Sleep: Sleep isn't an issue here! 

Best moment this week: Well my baby turned 6 months old, so that was pretty exciting! My little lovey sure is growing up fast!! 
Miss anything?:  Not having to walk on eggshells to disturb my stupid head. UGH. 

Movement:  Still feel the little bubbly flutters here and there. 

Food cravings:  hmmm....
Mexican food, white castle, and charleys subs. It wasn't a very healthy week lol

Anything making you queasy or sick?  I had a really rough week in terms of nausea. Felt like I was back to square one with feeling sick every morning and even sometimes all the way through the day. So over it!!!  

Gender: Not sure still! Still totally gettin the girl vibe! 

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: Still being utterly tortured with migraines. My doctor finally gave me a prescription of Fioricet, so i'm PRAYING that will work. I'm reaching my wits end, literally the only thing that I can do to NOT get a headache is to lay completely still in bed all day. (HAHA) I can't pinpoint any specific thing that triggers them besides literally just living my life. It's HARD!! 

Belly button in or out? Still in!  

Wedding rings on or off? Off 

Happy or moody most of the time?  It's hard to be real happy when I feel so crummy all the time, but i've got a pretty sweet reason to be happy! 

Looking forward to:  Finding out what this baby is! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

14 weeks with bambino #2

How far along? 14 weeks, baby!! This chick is officially in the 2nd trimester!! 
If you'd like to read about my 14th week with Elsie, you can find that bad boy here

Maternity clothes: I wear some maternity shirts here and there, but no pants yet. 

Stretch marks?  Not Chyet  

Sleep: Getting great sleep still, thanks to my little angel baby! ;) 

Best moment this week: Well it was Valentine's this past weekend. Josh was out of town, but he surprised me by sending me flowers so that was very sweet. Then we went out for a little date on sunday to the casino (NO LUCK) and then a steak dinner which was delish. It was really fun, nice to get away just the 2 of us.

Miss anything?:  being able to go outside without my lungs literally forming icicles with every breath. I'm getting cabin fever big time, I need some warm weather.

Movement:  I swear I feel little fluttery bubbles here and there!! I think i'll feel this babe a lot sooner than I did with Elsie

Food cravings:  Oh good grief, don't even get me started. I feel like it's something different every day. I could eat tomatoes whole, and I feel like I could eat a red onion like an apple. And i've been craving blue cheese dressing a lot too. So I've been having a lot more salads again and buffalo wings. HAHA. For fat tuesday, I satisfied ALL my cravings in 1 meal and it was AMAZING. lol      

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nausea has more or less gone away (still rears its ugly head here and there) but these damn headaches are killer again, and my stomach always spins when I have a bad headache.    

Gender: Still don't know for sure, but it's a girl. ;) 

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: Friggin headaches!!!! It's a good thing that having babies is such a beautiful amazing experience, because if it wasn't I would never get pregnant again JUST to avoid these incessant headaches. HORRIBLE!!!!! 

Belly button in or out? Still in!  

Wedding rings on or off? Still off

Happy or moody most of the time?  I've had some nasty surges with hormones this week (lol) but for the most part i've remained pretty happy! (considering how nasty cold and gross it has been)

Looking forward to:  Spring (which will never come) and finding out FOR sure what this baby is! :) 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

13 weeks #2!

Figured big sister should be featured as well! 

How far along? 13 weeks!!
I feel sorta bad for this babe, because their bump updates are going to be a lot less "glamorous" than they were with Elsie. (when I actually had a reason that I needed to look presentable everyday) You're all lucky I at least showered and put some clothes on ;) 
 If you'd like to see my 13 week update from my pregnancy with Elsie, you can find it here

Maternity clothes: None yet! 

Stretch marks?  Not much stretching is occurring in general quite yet. haha

Sleep: Sleep has remained pretty much the same, which is a GOOD thing. Els lets me get a lot of good sleep, which helps IMMENSELY! 

Best moment this week: Well I had the ultrasound for the genetic testing, which again we opted for just so we could see the little bambino more or less. So it was a lot of fun to see the little monkey bouncin around in there, definitely made things that much more REAL for us! haha We got the results back from that today actually and it was nothing but good news- 1 in 10,000 for down syndrome and trisomy 13 so that's wonderful! We got a couple cute ultrasound pictures too! :) 
Look at those stretched out legs! Certainly cozy in there! haha

Hi mom! :)

Miss anything?:  Having the energy to do more than just taking care of my little lovie. 

Movement:  Nope, not yet!! 

Food cravings: Salad!! I found the Olive Garden salad dressing and I've basically been obsessed. So i've been eating TONS of salad and sliced cucumbers! Could be worse, right?? 

Anything making you queasy or sick?  It's touch and go, somedays I can make it though without any, and others i'm smacked in the face with it again. No rhyme or reason. Sigh. 

Gender: Still don't know that! I'm still thinking totally has to be a girl!! 

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: I had a horrific, hideous migraine last night. I felt it building as I was getting ready for bed, so I promptly got to bed and thought I could beat it by just sleeping it off. NOT so much. I woke up at about 3:45 from a dream that a doctor was telling me I had a brain bleed. YEAH.....It was freakishly bad. I took some pain reliever and some dramamine and laid as still as I possible could until I could fall back asleep. Thank GOD it was gone when I woke up in the morning. In a weird way, I was grateful that it happened in the middle of the night. Yes, it disturbed my sleep, but I would rather deal with it by myself in the wee hours of the morning than be absolutely worthless to my daughter during the day. I just can't believe this is happening all over again like clockwork. I would rather deal with daily nausea than one of those headaches, it's scary! I'm basically on my knees in prayer that this doesn't start happening daily again.

Belly button in or out? It's still in

Wedding rings on or off? Off actually, but not because i'm swollen, but cause my rings are too BIG! I lost quite a bit of weight after I had Elsie (somehow) and they don't fit very well at the moment! 

Happy or moody most of the time?  I've been happy for the most part

Looking forward to:  Spring time, and hopefully finding our home soon!! 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

12 weeks! Numero Dos

How far along? I am officially 12 weeks pregnant today! Still basically all bloat, but the doc felt my uterus pretty high up so I'm sure I'll start legit popping any day now haha.
If you want to see my 12 week update with Elsie, you can find it here :) 

Maternity clothes: Haven't had to bust those bad boys out yet. Oh let's be real, they never got a chance to get put away! haha  

Stretch marks?  Somehow didn't get any, i'm hoping I am just as lucky with this one! Crossin my fingers!  

Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty well. Elsie only gets up about once a night around 4 or 5 and sometimes I have a little trouble falling back to sleep but she's a dream boat and will usually sleep in until about 9, so I'm still getting plenty of sleep which is GREAT! 

Best moment this week: We got pre approved for a mortgage, so we will be able to move before this baby comes (If all goes accordingly) and I am THRILLED about that!! I also had my first doctor's appointment today with a NEW doctor, and that went really well. She didn't make me feel the least bit "guilty" for being pregnant again so soon, which I was really worried about for some reason.

Miss anything?:  I am looking forward to not feeling like a character in The Walking Dead. Cue the zombie groans. 

Movement:  Not quite yet. I'll be very curious to see how much sooner I'll feel movement with this baby (If I do)  

Food cravings:  I haven't really had a real STRONG craving for anything. I'll crave certain things for dinner, but I haven't had any real constant cravings early on like I did with Elsie.     

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Thank goodness the nausea has started to settle down a bit. Just like with Elsie, really the only time I would/do get real nauseous is right away in the morning when I'm hungry. As soon as I get something in my stomach and get moving, i'm usually pretty good the rest of the day, unless I get a bad headache.  

Gender: We don't know yet! I have a strong feeling it's another girl just because of how similar this pregnancy has been so far! Will be very very interesting!

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: Nausea, Pretty debilitating fatigue (Thank GOD I have an easy going, snuggly baby) and I've started getting some headaches again which scares the death out of me especially since I have Elsie. When I had them when I was pregnant with her I could just retreat to my bed with an ice pack and call it a night. Obviously a little hard to do that with a 5 month old. I've only had 1 really bad one with vomiting and the whole 9. I'm just really hoping I can just keep them under control this time around. 

Belly button in or out? It's in...for the time being lol   

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time?  Pretty happy. Obviously I struggled for awhile when I first found out because I was scared (still very much am) but I am getting more and more happy about it everyday. I've been able to hear the heartbeat on my doppler and that's such an amazing little sound. (Even if I wasn't expecting to hear it again SO soon haha) 

Looking forward to:  We have an ultrasound tomorrow, so it will be nice to see the little peanut!