How far along? 14 weeks, baby!! This chick is officially in the 2nd trimester!!
If you'd like to read about my 14th week with Elsie, you can find that bad boy here
Maternity clothes: I wear some maternity shirts here and there, but no pants yet.
Stretch marks? Not Chyet
Sleep: Getting great sleep still, thanks to my little angel baby! ;)
Best moment this week: Well it was Valentine's this past weekend. Josh was out of town, but he surprised me by sending me flowers so that was very sweet. Then we went out for a little date on sunday to the casino (NO LUCK) and then a steak dinner which was delish. It was really fun, nice to get away just the 2 of us.
Movement: I swear I feel little fluttery bubbles here and there!! I think i'll feel this babe a lot sooner than I did with Elsie
Food cravings: Oh good grief, don't even get me started. I feel like it's something different every day. I could eat tomatoes whole, and I feel like I could eat a red onion like an apple. And i've been craving blue cheese dressing a lot too. So I've been having a lot more salads again and buffalo wings. HAHA. For fat tuesday, I satisfied ALL my cravings in 1 meal and it was AMAZING. lol
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nausea has more or less gone away (still rears its ugly head here and there) but these damn headaches are killer again, and my stomach always spins when I have a bad headache.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nausea has more or less gone away (still rears its ugly head here and there) but these damn headaches are killer again, and my stomach always spins when I have a bad headache.
Gender: Still don't know for sure, but it's a girl. ;)
Labor signs: No!
Symptoms: Friggin headaches!!!! It's a good thing that having babies is such a beautiful amazing experience, because if it wasn't I would never get pregnant again JUST to avoid these incessant headaches. HORRIBLE!!!!!
Belly button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? Still off
Happy or moody most of the time? I've had some nasty surges with hormones this week (lol) but for the most part i've remained pretty happy! (considering how nasty cold and gross it has been)
Looking forward to: Spring (which will never come) and finding out FOR sure what this baby is! :)
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