How far along? 19 weeks!
You can find our 19th week Elsie post right HERE
Maternity clothes: Lots of pants, but I don't have many shirts. Looks like I need to go shoppin! ;)
Stretch marks? Nothing to report!
Sleep: Sleepin just fab!
Best moment this week: My very best friend in the world is in town from Delaware, so we've gotten together a few times. Wish we lived closer together!! :(
Miss anything?: Nothing!
Miss anything?: Nothing!
Movement: Still just the usual flutters and bumps. I can definitely tell she's getting stronger and stronger. (or just bigger and bigger) cause there have been a couple times where I can feel little pokes from the outside!
Food cravings: Italian food 100%. YUMMMMM I could eat spaghetti everyday as it is, but this has been pretty intense. lol
Anything making you queasy or sick? I've been doing REALLY well this week. knock on wood.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I've been doing REALLY well this week. knock on wood.
Gender: GIRL!
Labor signs: No!
Symptoms: Not a whole lot besides a growing belly and some round ligament pain!! WOO HOO!!! My head has been a real champ this week! I still get some sporadic headaches, but it's been NOTHIN like what I was used to. AHHHH!
Belly button in or out? Still in! But it's gettin shallow! lol
Wedding rings on or off? Just the band..i'm thinkin i'll just delete this question from here out. lol
Happy or moody most of the time? Super de duper happy!!
Looking forward to: I have my 20 week anatomy scan next Wednesday. Say a little prayer that this little girl is nice and healthy! :)
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