Sunday, June 29, 2014

30 weeks!!!

How far along? Holy Moly I am 30 weeks pregnant!!!

Maternity clothes: Nothin new

Stretch marks? Still none! 

Sleep: Still sleeping well! Back and hips have been aching a little more every day, which is why i'm SO glad I have that body pillow. 

Best moment this week: Another pretty standard week. I got my hair done on Tuesday cause Lord knows I needed the boost and it definitely did the trick!! 

Miss anything?: Being able to breath!

Movement:  Yes tons! Constant barrel rolls all day long and then she's pretty quiet at night. Let's hope and PRAY she keeps that routine up when she comes ;) 

Food cravings: Nothing new honestly. This week it was fruit and salad. I know I lame.    

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nothing! 

Gender: Girl! 

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: All my usual things, particularly bad indigestion lately! And shortness of breath 

Belly button in or out? Teetering on the edge 

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time? I've been more emotional lately, been super stressed out feeling. So the tears have been flowing a bit more lately lol. 

Looking forward to:  I'm looking forward to actually GETTING the things for her nursery and start putting everything together! I feel like we are WAY behind on everything 

Monday, June 23, 2014

29 freakin' weeks

How far along? 29 weeks, how is this even possible! 1 more week and i'm in the 30's, what the??? 

Maternity clothes: Same ol' same  

Stretch marks? None to report yet miraculously, but I tell ya the area around my belly button sure itches to high heavens. I try my darndest to avoid it cause i've heard itching can actually encourage stretch marks, but it is HARD! 

Sleep: still sleeping well! Only getting up about once a night (so far) but the only thing is sometimes it takes me awhile to get back to sleep, but I know it will probably get worse so I can't complain yet. I DID however, get my first full leg charlie horse while sleeping. I'm NOT a fan of that. My mama got me the most delightful body pillow for my birthday though. It is AH-mazing. It's made specifically for pregnant women and boy it's just what the doctor ordered. Not sure how Josh feels about it because it creates quite the barrier between us, but I don't think it's goin anywhere. ;) 

Best moment this week: It was a pretty nondescript week, nothing too interesting happened. We picked out and planned a few things for the nursery and whatnot so that was kind of exciting. It's just hard because we don't know how long we will be at the place we are currently. But I want her to have a cute cozy place when she gets here. (Not that she'll be spending much time in it, but hey) And then this weekend we had that GLORIOUS day that makes up for all the weather hell we endure in MN. We went up to my parents house and relaxed on the lake and had some fun on my brother's new boat. Sure makes Monday that much harder to swallow. 

Miss anything?: Nothing! 

Movement: She's back in action! Movin all over the place, particular in/around my ribcage which is fun. I guess from now on I should appreciate the days where she is feeling lazy. :P

Food cravings: Buffalo wings!   

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nothing! 

Gender: Chickadee 

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: All the usual fun stuff, plus the lovely aforementioned addition of leg cramps!! 

Belly button in or out? Still hanging on! Stay strong belly button!   

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time? Still happy for the most part! Just don't get on my bad side ;) 

Looking forward to:  The 4th of July is coming up so that's exciting. ALSO, I just scheduled my maternity shots with my amazingly talented cousin who's a photographer. Those will be August 3rd! Hope I'm not too much of a dork to make them work lol. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

28 weeks! HELLO 3rd Trimester!!

How far along? 28 weeks! HOLY crap I am officially in the 3rd trimester. PLEASE be good to me!   

Maternity clothes: Samesies  

Stretch marks? Pheww still doin well 

Sleep: I've been sleeping really well still, not even getting up too much to use the bathroom. The only thing that has changed is that I rarely wake up feeling refreshed anymore,I've been waking up SUPER groggy lately like maybe the sleep isn't as "restful" anymore. 

Best moment this week: Well Monday was my Birthday, so that was okay. I took the day off from work and slept in, lounged in bed reading and watching Netflix. It was really quite lovely. Then Josh and I went out for dinner, and went to Hobby lobby and I got all my supplies for my little project i'm working on! Also, it makes me shudder a bit to think THAT'S my idea of a good birthday now. lol. As for the rest of the week, it was pretty slow. Over the weekend, we packed up and went to Rice Lake,WI for Josh's softball tournament. The weather wasn't very ideal, but it's all about the people-so it was a good time nonetheless!  (Even though I had to drink sparkling water all weekend instead of adult beverages.) 

Miss anything?: Hmmm... I guess to follow up my last comment, at times I miss not having to be the sober cab. All completely worth it though of course, just if I HAD to pick something. ;)  

Movement: Had sort of a scare over the weekend in terms of movement. I just noticed that I BARELY felt her moving, when for awhile there It seemed like she was nonstop movin and shakin. I literally had to sit completely still and then she would fidget or something. And of course I was away from home and couldn't reassure myself with my doppler.(I used it as soon as I got home and her heart was thumpin away as usual) She's still moving around but it sort of seems like i've gone backwards in time back to when I JUST started feeling her. I have a doctor's appointment today, so i'm going to bring it up. I'm hoping she's just a REALLY chill baby. 

Food cravings: Nothing really different from the norm. In terms of SPECIFICS though, i've noticed since i've been pregnant i've craved Arby's Beef and Cheddar sandwiches. When before they have never even been a passing thought to me. I wouldn't have thought to order one even if I was AT Arby's, so that's kind of interesting.   

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nothing 

Gender: GIRL! 

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: The usual, plus LOTS of round ligament pain. I just sneezed and nearly cried, OUCH! (and made me aware of my ever-weakening bladder heh heh....) 

Belly button in or out? Still hanging on!   

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time? I'm HAPPY! The only time I find that my mood gets the best of me is while i'm at work. I get pretty trigger happy in terms of letting things annoy me. But I revert back to bein a happy girl once I'm home. 

Looking forward to:  Well summer is already well underway and I feel like i've had little to no "sunny" time spent outside at the lake, etc. So i'm sure hoping there are MANY more ahead before this baby comes!!  

Sunday, June 8, 2014

27 weeks!

How far along? 27 weeks! (or at least that's what they tell me....)  

Maternity clothes: Got a few new ones lately, couple more summer dresses! 

Stretch marks? None to report! However, the area right around my belly button has been SO itchy lately so I think that's where i'm stretching the most right now. Hoping it holds up :P 

Sleep: I'm sleeping well still. Hips start getting pretty sore if I find myself laying on 1 side for too long. And I either don't get up to use the bathroom at all through the night or it's non stop. Not sure if it depends on her positioning or what, but sorta bizarre. 

Best moment this week: We had an ultrasound on Friday! She is looking great! They have her measuring about 2 weeks ahead. Weighing in at a whopping 2lbs 8oz already! Which is just crazy, Chunky girl! So who knows, maybe she'll be an end of August baby!  The lady was able to get a few 3D shots of her face, but she was being kind of stubborn with her arms in the way. She is SO cute, we love her so much and are so excited to meet her. Just unreal that we are able to get an idea of what she looks like! We can see a lot of Josh's features, and a couple of mine. Too much fun! 

Miss anything?: Being able to stand for more than a few minutes without my back starting to ache. 

Movement: She moves and kicks basically non stop throughout the day while i'm at work and is pretty quiet in the evening (which of course when Josh is attempting to feel her move) Getting stronger and stronger every day that's for sure! I've gotten a few hard jabs right in the ribs. Now I know what women are talking about when they say that doesn't feel the best. haha 

Food cravings: Nothing really comes to mind lately. I suppose this week I found myself NEEDING pasta a couple times. Had a brief passing craving for brownies, but I didn't indulge. 

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nothin! 

Gender: Girly girl 

Labor signs: Nope! 

Symptoms: Uff the fatigue is full force this week! I'm okay if i'm keeping busy but as soon as I slow down it's like Zzzzzzzz. Still have the Hiccups, braxton hicks, lower back pain, squished bladder, indigestion. 

Belly button in or out? Gettin reeeeal shallow, but not really popping OUT.   

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time? Very happy!  

Looking forward to:  Josh has a softball tournament next weekend so i'm REALLY hoping the weather will hold up. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

26 weeks!

How far along? 26 weeks if you can believe it  

Maternity clothes: I have a feeling my routine is going to be the same from here on out! 

Stretch marks? So far so good!

Sleep: Sleeping like a rock still! We put our air conditioner in our bedroom window so I've been sleeping super comfortably during these warm nights. Getting up at least once a night to use the bathroom now...

Best moment this week: It was a pretty standard week, was VERY nice to have Monday off though. I wish we always had 4 day work weeks! Then this weekend Josh and I went to our favorite thrift store and went up to my parents house to go get my fill of crab legs and prime rib for an early birthday outing! OHHH man was it good. Then we went back to their place and enjoyed a nice boat ride. It was the perfect ending to the weekend.  

Miss anything?: Not needing to use the bathroom every half hour or less. 

Movement: More and more every day. I've gotten a few jabs to the ribs and kicks directly on my bladder which are a little less desirable as far as movement goes. Josh has STILL not felt her yet. I never know when to tell him to try because it seems like as soon as I do, she stops completely. Come on little girl, daddy wants to feel you! :P 

Food cravings: Nothing different. Fruit and spicy food.  

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nothing 

Gender: lady bird 

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: Hiccups, braxton hicks, lower back pain, squished bladder, indigestion, tired VERY easily 

Belly button in or out? Still hangin' in there!  

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time? I'm a happy girl 

Looking forward to:  We have ANOTHER ultrasound on June 6th, my nieces graduation party is this weekend, The Fault in our Stars is coming out in theaters, and my birthday is next week! Lots and lots of exciting things!