Friday, November 25, 2011


Well today was Thanksgiving. Josh and I spent it with my family. It was a great time with delicious food. I felt sick I was so full, but that's usually the point isn't it? It was kind of strange to have to "travel" home after a family function. Someone has to venture out of the small town, right?? May as well be me! Anyways, I am soo thankful for so many things, i figured I would take this time to list off some of the things I am thankful for- Just for fun. 

I am thankful for my health, as well as all of my family and those close to me. 
I am thankful that I have such an amazing, supportive and loving family! and funny!
I am thankful for Josh and everything he does for me, he's my rock.
I am thankful for Josh's family, and how unbelievably thoughtful and kind they are to me.
I am thankful to have a job, and be making money.
I am thankful that I enjoy going to my job, and like the people I work with.
I am thankful to have ALL of the things I need, and a good portion of the things I WANT
I am thankful to be surrounded by SO many people that would do anything for me!
I am thankful that I get to feel so loved SO often!
I am thankful that I don't have too many acquaintances, but a good number of REALLY good friends.
I am thankful for the time I get to reflect on what an awesome life I was given
I am thankful for my faith in such a loving God
I am thankful that I was brought up to appreciate what i've been given.
I'm thankful for every tough lesson I've had to learn just to get me to this point. 

Anyways, that was just a short little list of the things i'm predominantly thankful for. I could go on and on and on, but it would probably get a little boring after awhile! :) Until next time...

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