Monday, October 31, 2011


Another weekend came and went. Where does the time go? This was a weekend for the books though, as it was my last official weekend living at home. CRAZY!! I have many mixed emotions about this, as most are probably fully aware. But everything is coming together, I got a job on friday. I hope it will be a good fit for me. It just seems pretty "meant to be" as the opportunity just kind of fell into my lap. And in perfect timing. So we'll see! Anyways, after I got my exciting job news, I came back home and went out for one last hurrah with my sister. It was just the two of us, but we actually had a pretty good time! I had fun! Saturday was mostly just a relaxation day. Josh came up later in the afternoon and we  just watched movies and spent our saturday night playing words with friends and watching awful halloween shows. Sometimes we feel like we're already a middle aged married couple. But we have a lot of fun with each other, and spend our time laughing almost nonstop. It gets exhausting sometimes ;) But in our defense, we couldn't really go out and whoop it up saturday night like all the other cool kids, because we had to get up and go to church for my niece Ruby's baptism. Josh's parents also came up to meet with my parents and the rest of my crazy family. It all went very well, and i'm so happy they got to meet finally. Anyways, so this is my last week in town. I watch Mara tuesday and thursday. I start my new job on wednesday. And then i move this weekend! AHH! Praying for a little extra strength this week, i have a feeling it's going to be A LOT to take in. 

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