Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Shift in directions...

Well then! Things sure like to change at the drop of a hat around here! I'm not complaining, just a statement! GOODNESS! But frankly, I don't really know where to begin with this one! haha. I guess to begin by saying that Josh and my wedding plans have dramatically changed within the past couple days! Everyone keeps asking me "Emily, what is your dream wedding? What do YOU want?" If anyone knows me well enough, they know I rarely EVER know what I truly want. I've never been one of those people that has this structured list of how they want things to be and in what order, especially pertaining to a wedding. But the more I think about this ever so common question, and really buckle down to consider exactly how I want this wedding to be, there's only one thing that truly honestly matters to me. I want to marry Josh. In a church. And that may seem like a really lame thing to say, but seriously. The big extravagant party isn't a HUGELY important thing to me, or Josh for that matter. And there's no reason why we couldn't have the party still. But here's our thought process AS OF NOW. We are moving in together, well...in a sense. I'm moving to his parents house. And we are going to have to live separately for a year because we want to respect both our parents wishes to "do this right." Which we both agree with, by the way. But we get around to thinking, If this huge ordeal of a wedding party is the ONLY reason we are waiting (In order to save up, and plan the freakin thing) and in turn we actually don't even consider it to be an all THAT important aspect to us, Why are we waiting?? If we could get married 2 months (that's a total random time-line by the way) from now surrounded by our closest family in a church and just have a small gathering for dinner or something, and then maybe in the future have a "reception" type party with all our extended family and friends-Why wouldn't we do that?? All i'm saying is, If neither of us have a shred of doubt that we are soul mates, meant to be together forever, etc. Why are we putting off starting our lives together just for the sake of a party. Am i crazy for having this thought process?? We both take the sacrament of marriage very seriously, and we both are fully aware that the choice we are about to make is for a lifetime. Believe me, we've had multiple extensive conversations about it. So, we are NOT being irrational and jumping into something we think we can just reverse in the future. And I know people will call us crazy for not being all bent out of shape about not getting a bunch of gifts and money. I realize how great it is,i'm not dumb, but in the grand scheme of things does it really matter all that much? Annnnyways...this is just me thinking out loud, that's what these blogs are for, right?? Any feedback would be appreciated, as long as it's not really negative ;) Oh and another little side note for all you out there raising an eyebrow, NO I'M NOT PREGNANT! that's not what this is about...hahah. 

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