I haven't added any pics of the bare belly and we are rapidly running out of opportunities for that!! And I threw in the front view because it really shows off the poppin out belly button! And if I look tired, it's because I AM!! :)
How far along? I am 37 weeks pregnant!!! This baby could be in my arms ANY DAY NOW!!
Maternity clothes: It ain't changing at this stage of the game!! And I don't think i'll be purchasing any more maternity clothes! SO CRAZY!!
Stretch marks? Nothin! Just have to make it a liiiiiitle while longer!
Sleep: I have to say I think i'm one of the lucky ones, the belly really doesn't disrupt my sleep too much. I get comfortable fairly easily and stay asleep other than the few trips to the bathroom obviously.
Best moment this week: My baby shower!! It was SUCH a good time and I was literally SHOWERED with gifts for this little one. She is so spoiled and loved already! I really can't thank Josh's family enough for making it so special for both of us!! :) Oh, and just a little extra from the week, we took the tour of the birthplace and it really kind of hit me all at once! It's hard to explain, I had the goosebumps the entire time!! I think maybe it's a good idea to take the tour a little further in advance! To think I could be back there having this baby at ANY point is really a surreal feeling!
Movement: She doesn't have a whole lot of room to do much anymore but I DEFINITELY still feel her in there ;)
Food cravings: Mainly fruit again!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothin!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothin!
Gender: Baby girl!
Labor signs: Nothing too significant, but I am progressing! (Any of you casual readers that may find some "details" a little TMI should stop reading now!) I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and she "checked me" and I am 1 centimeter dilated (which I know doesn't mean much cause I can technically sit there until i'm due) but I was 70% effaced, and my doctor seemed to be VERY pleased about that progress! And as far as her position goes, She is in position and she's pretty well engaged in my pelvis too! She is sitting at a -1 station, which is basically just the scale they use to measure how far the baby has dropped into the pelvis. When they are at a 0 they are considered to be fully engaged and ready for labor, so I was really REALLY happy about that too! So we shall see!!
(Insert cheesy informational diagram here!)
Symptoms: I still have really bad indigestion, and my stomach still falls asleep ALL the time. She needs to drop just a little bit more and that'd be GREAT!! I've also been pretty crampy lately, it feels like i'm on the verge of getting my period. My body is doin somethin, that's for sure!! AHH!
Belly button in or out? Outie!
Wedding rings on or off? On. I haven't had ANY swelling (knock on wood)
Happy or moody most of the time? Honestly, I had a REALLY tough week emotionally. I wouldn't say I was really moody. It was more just like an overwhelmingly scared, anxious, stressed out feeling. I feel like I have the whole world on my shoulders and have SO much to do, and just nothing seems to be getting done. I'm not a big crier, and I had a couple days where it was just an endless flood and there was just nothing I could do! I can only assume it's totally normal-especially at this juncture, and it was fairly therapeutic I think (after the fact). It didn't help that Josh was gone the majority of the week.
Looking forward to: Getting her nursery completely finished!!!
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