Well I guess I need to first begin by saying HOLY COW it's been forever since I last posted. It's not that I don't want to post more often, I just can never think of anything to write about. Except for when I'm sitting in traffic or something stupid like that. THEN it's like, OH EM GEE, I could write about this and this and oh that! But then as soon as I sit down at the computer, it's like "uhh duhhhh, I are so interesting!!" And I don't think anyone enjoys reading things like that. I just need some inspiration, and I need to keep it.
Next order of business, and excuse my french, but holy shit you guys, I'M MARRIED!!! I look back on my last couple posts and it feels like such a distant memory already. It is absolutely CRAZY!! I know before I got married everyone told me that It would just come and be gone in the blink of an eye. And It was kinda just like "ohh yeah, okay sure." But seriously...what just happened?? You spend all this time preparing and stressing and planning and organizing for such a momentous life changing occasion, and then it's just over and your life is in full swing! I wish I would have had the whole day recorded just so I would have an extra opportunity to experience it, just because it is such a blur. Don't get me wrong, it's a big wonderful blur. The happiest, most exciting, butterfly filled blur. But still a blur. If I were to give any future brides any advice, it would be to #1 just relax and enjoy the day.. and to really soak everything in.Take many many mental pictures. And just remember that some things will go wrong, THAT'S OKAY!! I almost walked down the aisle without my bouquet! My maid of honor had to go running down like 3 flights of stairs during the processional to grab them. (Thank God for her) But as long as at the end of the day you are happily married, who cares what stupid minute detail goes wrong. But anyways, I'm married and I couldn't be more blessed. We have a wonderful little home, we both have jobs, we're both healthy, and we have lots of love! WOW! :)
Well I guess that's it for now, Hopefully I get some more inspiration before another 5 months comes and goes! I mean seriously!